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still wetting the bed at 5 and 1/2

Hi there,
My wee boy is 5 and 1/2 and he wets the bed every night still. I have him in pull ups and have tried everything. I have been to the doctor who although isn't concerned with him still being wet at this age he is concerend with it being every night so gave him some tablets to try and "dry" him up before bed - but this isn't working. He is such a heavy sleeper at night there is no waking him. At this stage he doesn't seem to bothered he wears a pull up and we have made no big deal out of it either.
Any tips or suggestions.
Thanks very much.

Re: still wetting the bed at 5 and 1/2

A friend of mine had this problem too. She started lifting him up during the night and sitting him on the toilet and eventually he started to go himself. i think the pull ups can make them lazy take them off him for a few nights . And if he wets the bed just try again but dont give him drinks before bed and make him go to the toilet even if he doesnt want to before he gets into bed. then make it you priority to pick him up and sit on the toilet a few times during the night. He will soon get the hang of it ,. I have a 2 year old who practically potty trained herself and was doing really well until i started to put them pull ups on her when she was going out . BiG MISTAKE on my part she started to wee in her pants because she started to get lazy. But i never put them on her and she is fully trained now and hardly ever makes mistakes.. You have to let him know that he either goes to the toilet or him and his bed are going to be wet. He will soon get the hang of it .