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Night Waking of my 4 month old

I would be grateful for any tips on how to teach my 4 month old baby to sleep through the night. She goes to be at 7pm wonderfully and sleeps without a peep until we feed her at eleven. She is barely awake when we feed her and goes back to sleep when we have finished. She can then wake any time between 12.30am and 4.30am and takes up to three hours to settle her back to sleep. Once asleep she will only doze for 20mins to 30mins and then we are back at square one with the crying. I would be grateful for any advice. Thanks

Re: Night Waking of my 4 month old

Maybe she is hungry, have you tried her on solids yet? My son started sleeping through the night at about 10 weeks but then started waking again at 15 weeks, I tried him with some solids just porridge etc and he started sleeping through again.

Good luck!

Re: Re: Night Waking of my 4 month old


Maybe she has wind! - if she is barely awake for the late feed maybe she has not brought up the wind properly and has a bit of colic. Try making sure she is awake properly and is aware of being awake! Wind her properly and let her go to sleep be herself.

Good luck -7 Fiona