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Re: Girl potty water fountain!

maybe she is sitting at the wrong angle perhaps? try bending her torso forwards a bit (try asking her to look at her toes or something) to aim the pee straight into the toilet. hope this helps a bit, good luck

Re: Girl potty water fountain!

Ah! We had the same problem! One thing is to tell her to keep her legs closed (with her knees touching). This seems to help. If we are in public, and the top of the seat has a crack in it (where her knees should be), we put a wadded up piece of toilet paper, both for a place to put her legs together, but also to catch any escaped pee. One point of interest, my second daughter does not have this problem (pee goes straight down). Seen Lots of Wet Floors!

Re: Girl potty water fountain!

Is it possible her labia are stuck together, creating a forward- directed channel? If so, perhaps she can be taught to 'unstick' herself before she goes?

Re: Girl potty water fountain!

When I read your message I had to laugh. Our daughter did the same thing for about 6 months, between 2.5 and 3 or so. It was irritating - here she finally stopped having ''accidents'', and instead she would pee out of the toilet and into her underwear! Or all over the floor, or the toilet seat, or sometimes between the toilet seat and the bowl of the toilet.