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2 1/2 yr old traumatised by Nursery

I hope you don't mind a concerned Grandad asking for help on behalf of his daughter.
My grandson was due to start nursery in September but this was delayed due to chickenpox so he started two weeks behind everyone else.
On his first morning the fire alarm went off for a test. He was terrified and despite everyone's assurances, did not calm down enough to take part in any activities.
His second visit was two days later and his mum spent a long while encouraging him to go back that day and promising that all will be well. The fire alarm went off again! He was inconsolable and spent the ret of the session hugging a teacher's leg and refusing to let go until his mother came back.
He was persuaded once again to return for his third session. Everybody, mum, teachers, dad etc. all faithfully promised that there was nothing to be frightened of and that it would not happen again.
Unbelievably it did and again he was beyound any reasoning in his despair.
Thankfully the alarm has not gone off since but his life has completely changed! He cannot go into a room anywhere without checking the walls for sensors or anything similar (they have covered up the one at nursery with a Barney poster). Anything remotely like an alarm will set him off - even the thermostat in our lounge sees him begging for reassurance that it will not "go off".
His first words each morning to my dughter are, "No alarm mummy!". It is impossible to have an ordinary conversation with him as he usually ignores what you say and starts going on endlessly about alarms, doorbells and telephones.
Has anyone got any suggestions as to how to sort this out as he is a smashing kid!
Thanks for listening


Re: 2 1/2 yr old traumatised by Nursery

Tough but my own rather unusual xtion is where's dad?


Re: 2 1/2 yr old traumatised by Nursery


I don't get the point of your or relevance of your question question. If you had read the text properly, you will have seen that Dad is mentioned. He is there 24/7, he is solid and just as worried as we are. My involvement was only due to the fact that they have no access to the Internet.
I did expect a more helpful attitude that "Tough"!

Re: Re: 2 1/2 yr old traumatised by Nursery

Sorry Steve, I did not mean to trigger your feelings. It's great that you are involved btu I might wonder why I was so sensitive to it?
The reason I asked was only that first day at school, all that side of life, is very much to do with feeling confident and successful around the masculine side of, career. Improved bondedness with dad is going to make a difference, and if dad has fears on the career side of life, for him to be responsive to those himself and be accountable.

You say he is 'going on endlessly about alarms' and this, itself, is his alarm. Now you have to learn how to make the alarm stop -and the only way you can do that is by hearing what he is trying to tell you. It is so easy for adults to be 'it's alright' about things that they have got used to, but imagine, as a adult, experiencinig something that created absolute terror in you? This is how he feels, and then some. The whole fabric of his safety has been torn to shreds - he is literally petrified. You have to get inside these feelings before you can even begin to empathise with him. Who, in his reality, has actually convinced him they know how terrified he feels? Without that assurance, he is on his own and has not been heard. What terrifies the mum? the dad? what terrifies you? - then he will begin to feel safe again. I appreciate the normal reaction is to balance his fear by acting all 'it's fine' but that makes it worse - opposite I know.


Re: 2 1/2 yr old traumatised by Nursery

My 3 1/2 year old is affraid of the vacuum cleaner. This has been a problem since she was your son/grandsons age. We can not do the floors if she is is the in the house. The meer sight of the vacuum cleaner terrifies her. To this day we just work around the issue ie. take her to the neighbors to vacuum. Do you think that maybe this has something to do with seperation anxiety, and the tramatic experience only intensified the situation? Has he been to daycare before this? Let me know. Shawna

Re: 2 1/2 yr old traumatised by Nursery


Yes I can see what you are saying and I apologise for "jumping down your throat." The thing is you could not wish to find more of a "Daddies" boy. He and his brother get an enormous amout of attention from their Dad and it is easy to see his dedication.
I understand what you say about showing him that he is not on his own in his fear and maybe joining him in it and coming out together. I will chat with my daughter and see what plan we can come up with. Thanks

I am one step away from all this and not constantly having to deal with it as you and my daughter have. I am sure that, in the past, one of the youngsters in my extended family had a problem with a Hoover and we got over it by getting them a toy one and concentrating on the Nu Nu character in tghe teletubbies. They then had complete control over the situation and would fillow their mother around quite happily. Our problem, not that it is any worse than yours at all, is that no-one that is close to him is in control over the source of the noise. Even the teachers at the nursery were unaware that the alarm was going to go off on the second and third occasion.
I do think that it is to do with the timing as it was his very first three days at any sort of "school" and away from his Mum.
Thanks for taking the time to help, it is appreciated and I hope that your own little one gets over this phobia very soon. Have a happy Christmas.


Re: Re: 2 1/2 yr old traumatised by Nursery

Have you tried making it into a game? maybe get an egg timer with a bell and when it goes off practice walking in a line slowely outside then checking if everyone has made it out. It might sound a bit silly but you might find that once he knows what to do when he hears an alarm he might not be so scared.
My son was scared of birds (i have no idea why!) so i got a bird watching book and we checked off all the birds now when he sees one all he does is try and work out which one it is. Good luck

Re: Re: Re: 2 1/2 yr old traumatised by Nursery

Thanks Claire

I think that we might have a bit of a crazy christmas where he can make various noises and we can all pretend to be frightened. This way he will feel in control and therefore less vulnerable.
Also I am thinking of attending a Fire Station open day or some such event.

Many thanks for taking the time to make contact.

Best Wishes


Re: 2 1/2 yr old traumatised by Nursery

its strange the thing that kids latch on to!!
why not try taking him into school the next time they test the alarm and get the teacher to let him set it off for himself it might help him to see why the sound happends??

Re: Re: 2 1/2 yr old traumatised by Nursery

Thanks Debbie

I will suggest that to my daughter.

Best Regards
