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Re: 6 month old won't eat!

My advice to you is whatever you don't force it. The fruits and veggies just may be too much for her little belly. Stick with the oatmeal and cereal for a little while longer. Let her eat her bottles as usual and start her again on a little oatmeal and a little cereal here and there. Then give her a month or so then one veggie or fruit a week to see how she reacts to them. Just move slowly. You're doing great!!

Re: Re: 6 month old won't eat!

Thank you so much for the advice! Her docter says she should be on stage two and she isn't even eating stage one. I will give her more time before I give her more. Thanks!

Re: Re: Re: 6 month old won't eat!

Hi there Nicloe ...

When my kids were little a couple of them also tried to stay away from the fruits and Vegies... many times the taste is just too intense for their taste buds.

What I did to get them used to it is put a spoonful of fruits or vegies into their rice or oatmeal cereal, then after a couple of weeks I added another and so on ... it worked really well and they didn't mind eating it.

I hope it will work for you... let me know how things go

Re: Re: Re: Re: 6 month old won't eat!


My daughter was on breast milk only till about 7 months - showed no interest in food whatsoever. When she did I did as the previous advise and go slowley. You dont want to put her off the eating itself by what you are feeding her - it may lead to problems later. Both my sons were on baby rice at 5/6 weeks so it just shows how different they are. Good luck and don't worry - I reckon that as long as children are not loosing weight they are fine.
