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4yr old girl very stubborn

My daughter started JK this year. She had went to daycare for the year before. Things seemed to be ok at daycare. Now the school seems to want a behaviorlist to come and help them with my daughter. I should tell you, she is a very stubborn girl. When she dont want to do something she wont do it. She is uncooperative at school. She point blank tells the teacher "NO". Theyve tried time out, rewards and praise nothing is working for them. Most children would take no and just give up not her she keeps going. I dont know i am confused. The school refusses to help children any more ( shoes and coats), and wont let the parents go in and help their children. They say she dont like rules. I dont know maybe my displine dont work but i do not want to resort to spanking my child. I feel me hitting her is just tell her its ok to hit.

Re: 4yr old girl very stubborn

Hi. I know exactly how your feel. My daughter is exactly the same. She won't do anything unless she wants to and she can keep it up for hours. Can't really give you any advice but just wanted you to know that you are not alone.