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Re: daughters behaviour

I'm really sorry but there is no other way to deal with whineing and whingeing, you need to completely ignore her demands, DO NOT GIVE IN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. You have to teach your daughter another way. If I was you, I would wait until she is in a calm mood and being 'good' then offer her treats or rewards for this 'good' behaviour. At the same time you need to deal with the 'bad' behaviour by not responding (you MUST make your husband understand that he is making the problem worse by giving in to her), every time he gives in she has gained control and got what she wanted. If the whining and tantrums are too much, either put her in another room for time out and ignore her or leave her where she is and you leave the room. do not let her follow. (time out should be used at the rate of 1 minute for every year of her life).