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trouble with teenage daughter help please!

Hi, i'm a newbie, i have a 14 year old daughter. She lives with her dad and step mum and has done since she was 5. She's become a nightmare, didn't go to school for 2 weeks, her friends are between 14 and 20 years old, she goes off in cars all over the place, doesn't go home for days on end, i'm at my wits end, i only find out half of what she gets up to from her younger sister and via text message from her step mum. i had a chat with her yesterday and she promised to go home at 5oclock and sit down and talk to her dad & step mum, i've since had a text off her step mum saying she strolled in at 10.30 last night, had a go at her sister (11) and then said she wasn't going home after school. i don't know what to do!! please any advice??

Re: trouble with teenage daughter help please!

It sounds as if your daughter needs some boundaries and rules putting into place. There is a very good booklet called POSITVE PARENTING, MANAGING YOUR 13 - 16 YEAR OLD, ISBN No 1 898873 24 0 . If you can get hold of it it will help you to tackle these issues. I hope it helps. Good luck.