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pokeing lil. bro. in eyes

i'am a mother of 2 boys elijah(2.5yrs) and isaiah 6months. Elijah pokes isaiah in the eye everyday just this last time elijah broke vessels in isaiah's eye and i don't know what to do.
please help

Re: pokeing lil. bro. in eyes

Hi, Elijah is only 2.5 years old and at this age he does not necessarily understand that he is hurting the baby. There are 2 scenarios here

1. He may be attention seeking, he might feel left out now that a new baby is on the scene. ~ If this is the case then try to give him as much positive attention as you can, tell him he is a wonderful big brother and play with him as much as you can even when the baby is awake. He needs to feel he has not been left out.

2. He may simply be exploring his brothers face, and want to know what would happen if... etc. At two he is probably being a bit too heavy handed and if this is the case then you simply repeat calmly and patiently that he must be gentle with his little brother. Show him how to touch and hold him, encourage him to help feed and change him, even put them in the bath (supervised of course) together. Let Elijah help to dress Isiah etc.

I hope this helps I know it is hard for you but babies are very resilient and you will most certainly find that Isiah will grow up to be even more boisterous than Elijah (after all he will be learning from an expert!) Good luck