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problems with 2 year old

hi we seem to think that the problems with her not going to bed now and screaming for an hour or more is down to security.

she now follows us about like a sheep and wont even go upstairs to play if we dont go with her. this has only just occurd.

any ideas on how to help this.

Re: problems with 2 year old

I too would agree that it is a matter of insecurity. Has anything changed within the family recently? Someone go away for a period of time...traumatic experience? Anything that would make her worried about being alone? Sometimes knowing the cause can help fix the problem.

I would recommend talking to her (assuming she can talk back) and ask her what she's afraid of. Maybe it's the dark...maybe it's a scary stuffed animal in her room. I know my son started waking up at night screaming bloody murder and (since he can't yet talk) I finally figured out it was because his big teddy bear was positioned "just so" in front of his night light casting a very daunting shadow :) I moved the bear and haven't had a problem since. Once we can determine the cause, it narrows down the "trial and error" period. Best of luck to you!