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Nine year old refuses to go to school

My nine year old son refuses to go to school !! Once I get him there he kicks , screams , hits. The teachers, school counsler , say he settles down after a while , but they now refuse to deal with him. When I drop him off , an adult has had to hold onto him until I get out of the school. They now say that he cannot come to school until he stops. We have been to a professional counsler who believes it is behavioral. He adviced making him as uncomfortable as possible at home ( without being cruel ) . He has to stay in his room. No playstation , t.v. , bike , no going to movies , etc. But he has missed two weeks of school !!! I take him every morning and give him the chance to go , we get as far as his room , then he says he can't do it and we leave. But once when I offered to but him a movie he wanted , he went to school with no major problems. HELP.

Re: Nine year old refuses to go to school

The lesson he is learning is that, in this world, the more hell you create the more hell you get back until someone cracks, breaks down and surrenders to the other's regime. This does not solve it breaks a person.

I appreciate he may have driven you to distraction, but he is not behaving like this for no reason. There is a big feeling in him or feelings, that are really killing him. There is some fear, some issue..and the more we say, "push it down and get over it", the more we create later delinquincey in life - look at our society.

I really would ask myself if I had ever ever felt the way your son must be feeling when he's acting up. It will be a vital clue and this is reprssed parent stuff coming out in the child. And give him his home back! I do a lot around the power of the parent to help the child - free reports etc

In any family there is a group process, everyone's stuff is connected, and it seeks to find expression in the weakest part of the system - typically our children! So who is feeling like this about work?

Best wishes