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Naughty child at school but good at home!

Help - My daughter who is so much fun and happy and very bright and normally well behaved, has recently started School and is turning into a monster at school. Instead of the behaved girl she is at home she simply wont do as she's told at School on certain occassions and obviously disrupts the class. The teachers keep pulling me in for a chat and I'm sure they dont believe me that she really is a good well behaved child and normally listens. I ask my daughter if she's unhappy at school but she says she really likes it. I'm at the end of my tether. I dont want my child to be known as the naughty one at school.

Re: Naughty child at school but good at home!

Hi Christine,
Here's a different way to think about it. She is not being herself at school, she is not being herself at home. The balance is somewhere in the middle. Right off the top, it has to be true to say that for some reason she chooses to behave in different ways in different psychological environments. If I was to guess, and it IS a guess, I think her going to school is more or less the career side of life at that tender age. Trouble 'at Mill, ie school, may point to a reflection of her relationship with her dad.

Also I would wonder if she felt especially that she would not want to upset you in any way, or have you felt let down. When you said "I don't want my child to be known as the naughty one at school" - it may reflect your daughter has picked up on you being particularly sensitive to any negative feedback - hence her behaviour at home. But that's just a guess -- if she really is happy at school...well, maybe, she's just a good girl, innocent and with atittude! Politely termed 'an agent of change' - one of nature's natural forces!
Best wishes
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Re: Naughty child at school but good at home!

i had the same experiance as you so i put my daughter on packed lunches as i found out she was always naughty after dinner. and they had given her pink cake and custard
i was sick of the school dragging me in every teatime because she had done one thing and another have you tried omega3 fish oil

Re: Re: Naughty child at school but good at home!

Yes, just start giving it to her and I think it's helping or it could be the smiley face chart we are also using. I'm sure the school don't believe me when I tell them this is out of character.
Thanks for your comments.