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Relaxation Tip

Do you guys ever have one of those days that is just crazy and the kids have just worn you out? My new favorite thing to do when I'm having a day like that is to put on some music. I have been listening to the Rent soundtrack and it totally makes me feel better. It is one of my favorite musicals. You should try it some time.

Re: Relaxation Tip

I often have those days.

Re: Relaxation Tip

I have them days most days . I have three kids well four if you count the biggest child of all my husband. They are aged 1,2,7. I am a stay at home mum . Who ever said it was easy obviously never did it. I can honestly say i dont get much time to myself without someone crying for something. Like right now i gotta go get bottles .....................I am back but the music tip you gave is a good idea you can listen and do your chores at the same time.