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teen behavior in school

I have a 13 yr old some he has bi-polar he is not on medication. My problem is not at home but at his school. He does not like his Jr High so he has acted out is rude and sleeps through class, he doesnt do his work in class and doesnt bring it home. Teachers are afraid of him. He has been in therapy since he was 4 yrs old. The school has threatened to take me to court for neglect, because he was missing too many classes, I later found out he was still in school but would hide out in the ISS room to sleep.
He is good at home does his chores watches his brother, and he only has 3 good friends and I know them and where they live. I dont know how to change his behavior at school or make him stay in class. I am going in for my third meeting this year with the school.
I was hoping someone would have any advice, I have pulled him out before for home school, I am not in a position to continue this.

Re: teen behavior in school

How about the next time he acts up, have him write out some lines. Start with 100, and keep adding if he talks back.

Re: Re: teen behavior in school

I disagree with the lines thing. You need to get to the bottom of why he is falling asleep at school. Does he stay up all night playing on the computer or something else. He really should be in bed by 10.00 pm at the latest at this age so he can get a good nights sleep. Perhaps you could relieve him of some of the household chores? There again there could be a medical reason as to why he is falling asleep at school so take him to the docs to have a blood test, he may be anaemic. I'm not sure what bi-polar is perhaps you could help me with that. The teen years are really difficult for any child but your son has had more than most to deal with so whatever he does just 'LOVE him' and be there for him. If he feels valued his self esteem will rise and he will eventually come through this stage. You are the only stable influence in his life so you have to try to be there to support him all the way.

Re: teen behavior in school

Hi Patricia,
If your son has been in therapy since he was four there is a good chance he is taking on the burden of the whole family's unresolved stuff going back generations. How was your childhood? I mean, it would be very unusual indeed if your son's chronic problems did not reflect some inadvertant, unconscious, lack in his home life - nothing on purpose at allk- I have no doubt you do your best. Were you neglected as a child at all? Did you have any big upheavals, shocks, abuse etc?
Best wishes

Re: Re: teen behavior in school

I would agree about making sure he is getting a good nights sleep, but also find out why he doesnt like school. Maybe he is sleeping in some room where no one is so he can get away from something that is bothering him at school. I would find out what it is at school. Bi-polar is something that he is not going to be able to stop, however, his feelings and moods and actions are probably not intentional, maybe he doesnt know how to cope with some of his feelings. Also I dont know much about pyschology, but as far as I know being bi-polar is when they have really hight points of being very happy and have alot of energy etc. and having extremely low points of depression, anger, etc. Maybe his low points are causeing him to be tiard. After having a very high point he probably exaughsts himself and his body is tiard. But also I would find out what is causing him to hate school, kids can be very harsh to others at his age, or maybe teachers, etc? I dont know but maybe he is tring to get away from something or someone, or maybe his disorder is causing it.