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Re: Sleep problems in 4 year old

hi carole you know your daughter's case reminds me of my cousin she is 3 years old and has the same proble the only difference is her dummy or any of her toy was not taken away from her it's just that she is having trouble sleepin almost everyday she is up until 1-2 am... i guess you already know why your daughter is acting that was perhaps she have had already established something very personal with her dummy and the moment you took it away from her she felt that something very close to her was gone.. ok let's put it this way probably she looks at her dummy as her sister or a bestfriend. i am not suggesting that you give it back to her there are other solutions like you can consult a psychiatrist about this cause consulting one doesn't imply that there is something wrong with your child we just have to trust those who have the knowledge and capability with this kind of situation.. i hope you'll consider my opinion

Re: Sleep problems in 4 year old

i have 2 daughters one is 6 the other nearly 4 my eldest daughter hates bed ive tried everything the health visitor has recently advised i stay close at bed time .last nite i took her to bed and pottered in my room 20 mins and she was flat out it will nly work if ur child is tired good luck)]