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Too young or too stubborn?

My daughter is 25 months old and is a very smart and pleasant child in general. She loves to play with other children and enjoys going to daycare part time. However, I have tried to take her to a 30 minute tumble class (early gymnastics) and she refuses to participate in the group activities such as stretching, jumping, singing etc...she seems to feel no peer pressure whatsoever and takes off to climb and play by herself. No matter how many times I talk to her about it and offer rewards she refuses to cooperate. If I try to physically hold her in the circle she throws a crying screaming fit which is disruptive to the rest of the class. Today we just left after the "free play" time was over and we had tried and failed to participate in the structured activity. I was angry, she was angry, everyone else was annoyed. I am trying to decide whether I should just give up and quit class or keep trying to make her participate in short group activities. Thoughts? Thanks.

Re: Too young or too stubborn?

My suggestion is to give up on the classes - after all she's only 2 years old......beginning the development of self of the reasons that they call it the terrible two's. You might let her stay in day care while you go to the class....that way you both get what you need.