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Re: bossy girl

Hi again,We have another daughter who is 4 next month and she is nothing like Olivia, she is so easygoing and gentle and kind and shares etc..
How about you do you have any other children?Donna

Re: bossy girl

Opps I see you have a son, how old is he and whats he like? Donna

Re: Re: bossy girl

Hi donna
He is 11. Very quiet and easy pleased child, sensitive and loving, (not that Caitlin isn't a loving child she is but George is so much more gentle) even though he is a giant, almost taller than i am, and he's still at primary school.
If you ever fancy a chat why not e-mail me, it will be good to talk about the divas and compare notes I always say that if i had had Cait first i would have not had another child ha ha.