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10 year old son - is scared to sleep in his room

My 10 year old son is coming in my room everynight, saying he is scared in his room. What can I do to stop this????? Any help is appreciated.

Re: 10 year old son - is scared to sleep in his room

Hello, I would ask your son exactly what he is scared of. Sometimes children imagine they can see faces in the patterns on the curtains or walls, or are there shadows cast in dark corners. These can be addressed by using a night light or changing heavy patterns in his decor. Is he reading scary stories before he goes to sleep or watching the TV as he drifts off. All of these can be a factor. Try to settle him with a warm drink and a bedtime story ( even children at 10 enjoy these ). If he is suffering from nightmares then it is probably best you return him to his room and for a few nights get in to his bed with him rather than let him get in to yours. Good luck.