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my 3 half yr old daughter

I have a problem i need help with. My daughter is 3 and a half yrs old.And she is very independent a good girl that never whines or cries until her mom comes home from work. Then its non-stop whining and having to be by her mom crying about everything what can we do?

Re: my 3 half yr old daughter

Hi, does her mum give in to every little whim? perhaps your daughter has learned that if she whines then your wife/partner gives in to her. You both need to be strong willed and stand firm. do not give in to whining, if you do you will make a 'rod for your own back'. I suggest you give your daughter lots of praise and encouragement when she is behaving very well, and simply ignore her when she is not. Be strong & good luck!

Re: my 3 half yr old daughter

I also had this problem with my daughter when she was about that age. Mostly it was when she would be with her Gram or Daddy. She would be good all day but when I got there she started to misbehave. I ignored the bad behavior and gave her more positive responses. She outgrew it within a few months.