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Toilet training

I am new here and was actually on here researching for my college course but i am also in a bit of a pickle with my recently 3 year old . I cannot seem to get him fully toilet trained . he is completely dry all day and soem nights (thougth as yet I havent tried him without a nappy at night). He goes to the toilet alone and is absolutely fine and has been for a very long time now , since 1 and a half . However and it is a big however , he will not go to the toilet for a poo . I have tried a potty but he wouldnt even sit on it . I have got hima toilet training seat etc and he will sit on it and has done for a long tim but he keeps getting up to see if he has done a poo (so he says) . He will hold out until bed time for a nappy to poo in if I avoid givign hima nappy in the day . howver i am worried about causing him a problem and so let him have a nappy for a poo . now this is getting worse as he wont concentrate on his poo and spends a long tiem and does justa little bit of poo . he isnt constipated and his poo isnt hard etc he has no problem actually passing it through it seems . I just worry that this needs to be sorted out and i havent any other ideas left . I hope someone has some ideas and will be very rgateful . feel free to e-amil me and i am willing to give any advice i can offer to anyone els e. Thankyou .

Re: Toilet training

I'm not sure if you've tried this or not, but sometimes it works if you get him some special underpants to wear only at night. Not nappies, but "big boy" underpants. If there is a specific character that he really likes, he may be discouraged from pooping on them. Otherwise, you may want to consider changing his diet to something with more fibre so that he can't hold it until nighttime. Put a lot of emphasis on how big a boy he is, and how big boys poop in the toilet. Take him to school yards and let him see other kids at school and encourage him to be like them - reminding him that kids that go to school aren't allowed to if they wear nappies.

Don't do it as a shame technique, rather encourage him to be a big boy, and provide him with a special privilege if he does poop in the toilet.

Beyond that...good luck!