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Re: Did I go to far

You did not go too far. If you had started spanking 10 years ago, she probably wouldn't have been out shoplifting now. I had 3 children. Spanked all 3 when necessary. I never had behavioral problems with any of them.

Re: Did I go to far

My goodness you did NOT go too far. What a load of crap saying hitting them only teaches violence that is what is wrong wIth society today. Far too many do gooders. It was the first time you hit her for goodnes sake. As soon as as i saw those replies it made my bllod boil. Yes TALK if it works- totally agree. I don't belive in violence myself - hate it! But it was needed at this point I know my kids think "oh we'll talk and discuss and make the right noises then I can go and do what i like"!

Re: Did I go to far

no way, dont believe these darn do gooders saying a spanking is equal to child abuse,what a joke, children need to have boundries and I'm sure your daughter now knows that stealing is very wrong, what you did was take a serious stand for her future,i'm sure she wont be doing it again.