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2 year old daughter is unable to amuse herself

My 2 and a half year old daughter does not seem to know how to amuse herself and wants my attention 100% of the time.

If I dont play on the floor with her she has a temper tantrum. Which then makes me feel guilty for wanting to get on with the things I need to do.

I know they do need alot of attention at this age but does anyone have any tips on how to teach her to amuse herself for more than 1 minute!

Re: 2 year old daughter is unable to amuse herself

Unfortunately I have no advice, my 2 and a half year old son is exactly the same. I find that I either struggle to do chores or ditch them altogether. Sometimes I get him to help me with a job I'm doing - such as dusting. He may not be much help, but it does keep him busy for a few minutes. Hopefully it's a phase they'll grow out of!
Hope it gets better soon.