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Re: 8 year old still sleeping with mommy

How about if you reverse it round, so that you sleep in his room. Even if it is only by having a sleeping bag or blow up bed on the floor.

Do you know what exactly he is scared of. Maybe it is just that he is scared of going to sleep on his own?

What about the bedroom itself. When was it last decorated? If not recently, then maybe you could suggest that he chooses what sort of bedroom he would like, i.e. what colours, would he like a theme, etc..

Lots of people are in the same predicament as you. i am very fortunate in that my 3 all sleep well in their own rooms no problem, but I do have friends that are in a similar situation to you with regards the sleeping arrangements and the mothers going in with the kids for a while seemed to work.

You sleep in his room all night for a set period of time (a week or 10 days or something) and then you tell him that after this period of time it will change, i..e you will spend the first half of the night there for a set period of days. Gradually you whittle it down, but so that he is always sleeping in his room, even if you are there. At least that way, the first hurdle is dealt with by getting him to sleep in his own room.

I am not suggesting by any means that it is going to be quick or easy as he has had 8 years of always being with you, so you cannot expect him to break the habit overnight.

Maybe you could also have a reward chart, whereby he gets something new for his bedroom (even a small thing such as a poster or a door sign)each night that he sleeps in his own room.

But as he is 8 years old, you should discuss your plan with him and make sure he feels included in what is happening.

Also, has he ever slept anywhere else - a grandparents or relatives, and if so what was he like there. Would he go to a friends house for a sleepover party or something or maybe have a friend of his round for a sleepover.

I am sorry I cannot offer any other advice, but I think that whatever you go with it is important that you talk through what you will be doing and why with your son.

Good luck and stay positive. It will happen eventually>