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my son is obsesed with a tanning lamp

hi, could anyone help me as my son is obsessed with a tanning lamp. I have recently taken it away from him and he had a huge fit and was crying and pleeding for me to give it back to him*. I didnt ,and now hes refusing to see his home tutours ( hes got BDD disorder ). he's also refusing to take his medication to help the chemical imbalances in his brain. Could anyone PLEASE HELP!
Thankyou . ASAP *(we took it away from him because of the risk of skin cancer.)

Re: my son is obsesed with a tanning lamp

in addition to my post my son is 13 years old ( 14 in may 06 ) and is currently not seeing his friends, very housebound and hardly going out ( only to tescos to avoid teachers ). he has also not attended mainstream school for 4 months so now having to be home tutoured. anxiety problems about appearance are also difficult although since he has been tanned he has begun to really like every thing about himself (his body, hair e.t.c) Any advice would be a great help.

Re: Re: my son is obsesed with a tanning lamp

I would just bin it as tanning lamps are dangerous. Maybe swap it for something else he might like as a tradeoff.

Re: my son is obsesed with a tanning lamp

What is the big deal with the tanning lamp, I mean if it makes him happy and able to except the way he looks then why not let him have it. I am a father of two teenage daughters (14 and 15) and my youngest Keisha, is also a tan lover and spends most of her spare time either sun bathing or using a sun bed at the local salon.Although I know the long-term effects the sun can have on your skin, you can only really tell them and hope the will see sense. Maybe when she does get skin damage she might learn from her mistakes.