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My daughter is rejecting me

My 21 month old is rejecting me. She is at home with dad 4 days a week while i work full time. Until now, she has come to me for everything but now, she won't even let me sit on the same seat as her. This has been going on for a couple of weeks and is really hurting. Each time i think we are getting back to normal she rejects me again - any suggestions?

Re: My daughter is rejecting me

You are being way too hard on yourself. I honestly don't think she is "rejecting" you. All children go through stages of turning more to one parent than the other. It doesn't matter who stays home or who works or who sees them more. Just keep letting her know you love her....don't stop that. One day soon she will be back to hugging you and wanting to sit next to you.
Good luck and take care!
