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2 month old doesn't like her cot

My 2 months old daughter won't sleep in her bed except for 6 hours at night. During the day she will only sleep on a pillow. If I try to put her in her cot, she wakes up within 10 minutes and cries. Should I put her down and leave her to cry it out? I'm concerned that she will soon start rolling off the pillow. Besides, she needs to get used to her own bed. Any views? All advice welcomed. :)

Re: 2 month old doesn't like her cot

My suggestion - routine, routine, routine. My daughter slept in a bassinette in our room for 3 months. When she went to her crib, she had no issues (thank goodness!!!) However, here's a couple thoughts.

Your child is probably still too young to be rolling over by themselves. Have you tried putting the pillow in her crib??? She can get used to the crib, while still keeping that familiar cushion. Maybe she feels the crib mattress is cold??? Try putting extra blankets under the sheet - maybe that will make it feel warmer (like a pillow) and softer (like the pillow).

When I trained my daughter to go to sleep by herself (about 3 months), I would feed her at night, and put her in her crib - awake. I would just sit in the other room while she talked to herself, but as soon as she got upset, I'd go in and cuddl her. Slowly, the time it took for her to start fussing got longer. About a week into this, she went to sleep easily by herself. Two weeks after that, I didn't bother waiting up anymore. Yours is a different situation, but maybe by going in when she fusses, to let her know you are there, would help???

Hope one of these suggestions is helpful!!

Re: Re: 2 month old doesn't like her cot

Thank you! I will try some of your suggestions - they sound pretty good to me. :)

Re: 2 month old doesn't like her cot

Hope it helps. I also thought overnight that maybe the crib feels to big for her?? Don't know where you are - I am in canada and there is a product in the store that is a protective "shell" to put baby in if your child sleeps with you in bed - so you don't roll over on her. Perhaps making an area that seems more enclosed and small to her???
