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hello i have a child that i don't think is achieving it's potential at school. It drives me mad and sometimes i am forced to punish it harshly. i don't think this is right and therefore am to put it up for adoption. is this the right thing to do?

Re: children

You sound like you are talking about a dog!

A child is either a he or she, not an it. "It" as you call your child is not something that you give up if they do not achieve what you want them to.

I seriously hope that you are just one very stressed out parent who just needs some guidance and help.

Please stop punishing your child harshly. Every child is different.

You don't say how old your child is and whether you have other family members who can help you out.

If you can't work through the problem with your child without punishing them harshly, then could you try to ask someone else to try and have a chat with them. Your child must be deeply unhappy with a situation like this. Why does your child have to achieve a specific potential anyway?

Adoption really is a last resort surely. Please try to find someone near to you who you can discuss this matter with as you and your child really need to sort this out URGENTLY.

You need to work out exactly what it is you are so adamant that your child is not achieving at, is it a reasonable expectation and how to deal with your anger towards your child in a more tactile way.

I hope to god your child does not know that you want to put him/her up for adoption because you feel they don't achieve their potential at school.

Please get some urgent help top deal with this ASAP!

Re: children

This is a joke, isn't it?

Re: Re: children

I felt sick reading this. All this talk of IT. What happened to maternal instincts. If the child is at school then there is no chance that you have post-natal depression. You should seek help immediately. If you have no maternal instincts - fair enough - you must have some humanity instincts, get help before you do some emotional damage that will scar for life. Your child deserves you at your best - try harder to find yourself and get help to be the best you can be. There is help out there - go find it!!

Saying all this but I really hope this is some sort of sick and pathetic joke!

Re: Re: Re: children

I think this is a fake post. Well at least i hope so, tragic if it is not as I can't believe anyone could be so horrible to a child.

Re: Re: Re: children

just wanted to clarify something in fiona's post-

post natal depression can drag on for years so i dont think its right to say that if the child is at school it must be over. there is no specific time frame or exact recovery date for post natal depression so i think there is a fair chance it could go for this long. so i think its very wrong to say there is no chance of having post natal depression just because the child is at school.

Re: Re: Re: Re: children

Can I just say that if you speak about your own child like this then maybe 'IT' as you call your child wld be better off with a new family that wouldnt harshly punish he/she just because they are not achieving to YOUR high expectations.