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sibing rivalry - disabled child

Hi, hope someone can offer advice. I have two daughters aged 6 and 5, the 6 yr old has cerebral palsy and although she is mentally very bright she cannot walk unaided and will be wheeelchair-bound in the future. As a result she gets a lot of (necessary)attention which means that her sister is sometimes jealous. However the main problem is with her 6 year ols step sister. I now live with my new partner and her chidren (a boy age 9 and daughter age 6). Although she gets on well with my younger daughter, my stepdaughter makes it clear that she does not like my other daughter and they rarely play together. This means that the two ablebodied girls often go off together which upsets me and my eldest daughter. If we do get them to play together then they usually find a way to play a game which excludes Daisy or 'subtlely' ends up with her 'losing' or being in a subordinate role.
My new partner and I have both spoken to my stepdaughter her about this but she now sees it as an issue so she feels under pressure to 'play nicely' and feels like she always gets into trouble when my kids are visiting. Her behaviour has also made my eldest dislke her and I do not know how to rebuild the friendship. I think part of the problem is about my stepdaughter's insecurity & jealousy, also with my treatment of the situation, I want to sort this, please help!!