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Re: Re: Re: Re: Terrible two's

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. My husband and I both are praying that we are doing the right things with him. We have pledged not to get angry but to deal with him calmly and effectively. We implemented a strategy for when he says "Shut Up" that we tell him to say "Silly goose" instead. I know that he will come out of this phase and we will laugh about it, but right now we are being tested but are determined to pass with flying colors!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Terrible two's

You sound like wonderful parents to me, he is a lucky little boy. take care.

Re: Terrible two's

I honestly don't have any advice, because I think what you are trying to do is the right thing. But I may have some encouraging words. I have a 12 yr old son. When he reached the age of about 2, he got a horrible attitude! He was going through his terrible 2's and it was horrible! I was pretty much raising him on my own at that point (his dad and I split shortly before that and didn't see him much). It was the hardest time of my life and actually made me say I never wanted any more kids. BUT.....I got through it, and I also received a very loving and extremely smart (straight A) child! I did what you are doing now. I dealt with it the best I could and tried to give him ways to vent his anger better.
I now not only have this wonderful 12 yr old, but I also have a 20 month old daughter.
So keep up the good work and try to keep sane! It's not always easy but you will get through it.

Take care!