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Potty training

I have a 3 year old who is being really stubborn about the whole potty training. I have a 6 year old who was a late blommer as well but not as stubborn as my 3 year old. So i could really use any help i can get on this matter.As well with the pt problem he also has a real attidude problem. He is mean and he yells at me slams doors when he is mad. I have just never experienced this before my 6 year old was a saint compared to him. If you can help me with any of these problems please do. I am at the end of my rope. Thanks for any advice.

Re: Potty training

I have found with my son, who is 2 1/2, that I just let him go to the potty on his own terms. I encourage him to go and he is doing better, but there are times when he just refuses, and he has even taken off his pull-up and peed in the floor. So I just encourage him and make over him when he does and when he doesn't, I tell him we'll just try again later.

Re: Re: Potty training

Thankyou. That is what i have been doing with him so far. And he as well has been taking off the pull up. So i tried to let him keep it off and put underwear on, but like you said he peed on the floor. Well if you end up having and other luck feel free to e-mail me. Thankyou for your help.