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son stole from me!

My wonderful 8 year old son, more honest than the day is long, more sensitive and thoughtful than most, yesterday took my mobile phone from my bag and hid it in his drawer and also £10 from my purse and said it was in his piggy bank!!

To say I'm shocked is an understatement. We have had so many talks over the years about doing the right thing etc., sowing all the right seeds as you do and we are a nice, normal family. We spend time with him, have just had a lovely family holiday in Florida, but this boy knows the value of simple good things too.

When I asked him why he said, it was 'just a bad phase and I'm out of it now'!!

Is this sort of 'experimenting' normal in children of this age? What would you do for punishment to show this is not acceptable behaviour? Any advice greatly received. Thank you.

Re: son stole from me!

Hi Sue

This really is a tough one as you want to strick whilst the iron is hot and avoid any repeat behaviour. Hopefully! I have always believed that the punishment should fit the crime - maybe get him to do his normal chores that he may or may not earn his pocket money for doing and put the money into a charity box as he earns it. Every time he puts a pound or dollar in he will be reminded of the consequences of stealing. I also feel that punishments should be just that. I don't send my kids to their bedrooms - that's just like putting them in a toy shop. My youngest (6 yo boy) does not like sitting still and really doesn't like things that take a long time so when he told me a lie the first time I gave him 10 lines to do - he had to write down 'I must no tell my mummy lies' 10 times neatly and legible. He didn't like it and has not done it since as when I feel a lie coming I remind him and he remembers that he didn't like it. He is a bit younger and you may have to find something that your child seriously dislikes as a punishment. Hopefully that, the money to charity and a good dose of talking to and explaining the basic rights and wrongs will help. Good luck


Re: Re: son stole from me!


Above should read ' I must not tell my mummy lies' - we did a proper sentance!


Re: Re: Re: son stole from me!

Thank you Fiona. The thing that was so worrying was he's grown up (all 8 years of him!!) knowing right from wrong, being told about doing the right thing etc, and has always behaved so honestly. He's the type of boy people comment on for his good behaviour, bless him.

Still, we all make mistakes and after school yesterday we had a big talk and the little man was distraught at what he had done.

I don't think it will happen again.

Your punishment tips were great by the way, very appropriate. I'll think about them. He's been told that for a week his fave things, Play Station etc, are a no go and it's early bed. That will hit him hard. He's said sorry so many times now and seems to mean it that I really think it was just a hiccup!!

Thanks for replying. x