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Re: My daughter's attitude

Firstly you are not alone. It seems to be an age for rudeness and attitude. Well for one stop arguing with her and giving her too much attention. Simply put her in time out for 10 minutes every time she does it. One warning then time out. You have to be consistent otherwise it won't work. Make sure you put her somewhere really boring with no toys, books or tv. Make sure you praise her good behaviour.

Good luck and hope you see a change .

Re: My daughter's attitude

Hi I have two daughters ages 7 and 9 years. My eldest daughter has the same attitude, I am mean, Its not fair. When I tell her she is not having something for being rude and nasty, she turns round and says 'Don't Care'. She will ask me something if I say no she turns round and says that she is going to ask Daddy. She has become very aggressive towards her sister ending up with them both physically hittimg each other. I am at my wit's end and I don't know what to do.

Re: Re: My daughter's attitude

oh yeah, i hear " i dont care" all the time! it gets me so fummin! if you find a solution let me know.

Re: Re: My daughter's attitude

hi there i am in the same situation too, but now not just at home school too. i have been called in today to see the teacher. how can i turn things around. my support and feelings are with it, its a troubleling time

Re: My daughter's attitude

Try being a parent and quit trying to be her best friend

Re: Re: My daughter's attitude

i never said i was her best friend, but i do like to get along with my kids.

Re: Re: Re: My daughter's attitude

yes me too, i wan t to have have able to feel she can talk to me etc.

Re: Re: Re: Re: My daughter's attitude

my parents were always there for me when i needed to talk. We get along great! I never felt like i had to hide anything or sneak around.

Re: My daughter's attitude

I was about to post a message that would have been almost identical to yours. My 7 year old daughter even uses the exact same words. I feel like I've tried almost everything.

I understand what you mean by wanting to 'get along'. I have never tried to be my daughter's friend, but having one day without major conflict would sure be nice.

If you find anything that works, let me know. I'll do the same for you, if anything seems to help.

Re: Re: My daughter's attitude

thank you very much. Once i figure out a way to stop it, i will fill you in:)