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Serious advice needed urgently!

I have been separated from my kids father for nearly 3 years, we both have new partners and new babies and most of the time things are amicable between us (i refuse to argue with him!) however, i just can't get through to him how important it is that we all stick together as far as discipline is concerned. If the kids are naughty when they are with him, he will phone me up to talk to them instead of dealing with it himself and he never tells them off if they are doing something wrong! This is causing major problems as the kids (especially my 9 yr old son) think that they can get away with all sorts because if i tell them off they go running to their dad. He has now said he has had enough of their behaviour but wants me sort it out? Serious advice needed urgently please as i don't know what to do next, have tried explaining ways for him to talk to the kids and disciplining them but he still doesn't do it

Re: Serious advice needed urgently!


I have a problem similar to that only it is in reverse. I used to call my ex for advise on what to do with the kids but, he has told me to handle it on my own. It doesn't always work but, I don't call him anymore. I am the parent that they run all over not him. The only thing that I know to tell you is to just tell your ex-husband that you have tried to give him advise on what to do and he can either take it or leave it but, you are not going to discipline both houses and he needs to find a way to deal with the kids. Make him stand up and be a parent. You can't continue to do this. I know that you both have different lives now but, maybe in some way this is his way of hanging on to you. I way for him to somehow be in his life. I think that was part of what I was doing. I hope it helps.....Good Luck