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my daughter cannot concentrate...why?

I have a 10 year old daughter with serious concentration problems. She isnt hyperactive and her behavior is good but she lacks concentration. She cant focus on a task for more than a minute and her school work is sloppy. She is very intelligent and a year ahead but i fear when she hits her teens it could get her into trouble. Does anyone have any advice?

Re: my daughter cannot concentrate...why?

Hello, I had exactly the same problem with my son who is 12 now. It was many years ago that we noticed he had problems with his concentration at school and he felt like he was being picked on by the teacher. We were backwards and forwards to the doctor and hospital and about 2 years ago they did diagnose him with a mild form of ADHD. He has been on a very mild dose of Ritalin since then, although I was dead against this in the beginning we thought we would try it for his sake, it has helped enormously. His last year at Primary school was amazing. He got high marks in everything, everyone at the school noticed the difference, his work improved immensely and he could actually sit still and work for a whole lesson it was incredible. He was presented with a Headteacher's award before he left becuase of the enormous change in him. He is now at secondary school (started in September) and his dose has been reduced again and he is improving constantly. The doctors think he will just gradually grow out of it but the tablets are really helping him. Nothing else has changed, his diet, his sleeping habits etc it can only be this medication that has helped. I know its a last resort for everyone but it is worth seeking out a medical opinion especially if it is causing your child any distress and at times it seems as if they are being picked on when it really isn't anything they can control. Good luck to you.