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Problems with my 2 year old son throwing food and not eating properly

Hi-after me being thrown out of the house by my partners mum, my son has become very unruly and will not do anythng he is told to. Every time he is given food in his high chair he eats a bit then throws it everywhere, helps himself to food from the fridge (can't fit a lock-no room for it), and generally is causing havoc at the house. My partner is tearing her hair out because he is behaving so badly.
Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated-we;re at our wits end with him.
I no longer see them day in day out, as they are both still living with my partners mum-could this change be the cause???

Re: Problems with my 2 year old son throwing food and not eating properly

In my experience a child brought up in a chaotic environment will learn to join in and develop the same behaviour pattern. I am not saying that you live this way but obviously there has been a good deal of disruption lately and he may well have picked up on it. Try to keep your meal times calm, play soft music don't force him to eat and don't make a fuss if he throws it on the floor. Simply pick it up and tell him quietly that you don't want him to do this ( you may have to perservere over a few days ~ don't expect instant results) but if things calm down around him he will most likely settle too. Can you keep him out of the kitchen and away from the fridge? Put a small lock on the kitchen door (high up) to stop him from helping himself. It is possible he is missing having you around, is there no way you could live with your son and partner away from her mum? He is only two and will behave only in the way he has been shown (stay calm and happy around him and he will be calm happy and well adjusted too) Good luck