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Re: 4 yr old temper tantrums

First of all you don't need to give into your son! That will only make things worse on you later on believe me. As far as him putting you on a guilt trip, as soon as you leave he is over it and has moved on to something new. You however, go to work and worry about it all day and probably if I had to guess some days you go to work crying. If isn't worth it girl. Your child is running your life. You need to turn it around right now before he gets any older. It is obvious that he is mad about something, the hard thing is to figure out what it is. Have you tried talking to him and asking him? I know that he is only 4 but, he will talk to you. Maybe if you set aside a little time just for him and do something that he likes to do. When my daughter was little her favorite things was when I read to her or when I colored with her. My son's was when I would sit in the floor and roll cars back and forth with him. Another thing that you may try since he is so angry is take him to see someone that specializes in children. All I know is that if you don't get a handle on it NOW you will be sorry later. He is only 4 and you have a chance to change things now but, the longer you wait the harder it will be later.

I hope that something that I said helps you. If I could go back to when my kids were 4 and smaller trust me, I would have done alot of things different and I wouldn't have the problems that I have today. It is alot harder later and if he keeps going the way that he is he will give you no respect later and you will really be in for a world of hurt. Good luck to you.