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my son doesnt (age 31/2) doesnt get it

My three and a half year old son is not down with the star chart. I think he's pretty sure all stickers are bandaids. I need a better idea for a reward as I am finding bits of sticker every where - so tell me, he doesn't seem to recognize stickers as a reward. What am I doing wrong? am I not excited enough? He could really care less.

Re: my son doesnt (age 31/2) doesnt get it

if stickers don't work with him, then they don't work. it's got nothing to do with you doing anything wrong, he's only 3. your praise and a smile would, i'm sure, be enough. as you say he doesn't get it but don't you think it's because he's too young to understand? you are his universe at the moment, it's you and not stickers that matter to him.
hope you get to use the stickers as band aids for the house and get down on the floor with him and praise him from your heart.

Re: my son doesnt (age 31/2) doesnt get it

Thank goodness some one else has the opinion that 3, 3 and a half and four is still just coming out of baby hood. Why do people (schools, pre-k, etc...) think and feel it is okay to make you feel your child is behind? The very idea that people think they know your child better than you do often makes me doubt myself. But no more! Anyway, that was my point. Kids don't need stickers, they need you. I hope so called experts understand that all kids will be different from each other and if they were not the world would be a sad and boring place indeed.

Re: Re: my son doesnt (age 31/2) doesnt get it

LOL don't get me started on the establishment and young children :)
i think children aren't allowed to be children for very long now adays, that's one of the reasons i home educate.
good luck love :)