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inapporiate behavior at school

What should i do about my 7 yr olds' frequent crying at school? She cries when things don't go her way. She says she understands that things don't always go her way. She can also tells me the better way to deal with this fact besides crying. How can i get her to show this at school? How long should i put up with this, and what should i do if things don't get better?

Re: inapporiate behavior at school

i guess by the number of posts you're pretty wound up. i think maybe the first thing you should do is step back from the situation and see if you can view it from a different angle. you may be in too deep to see a positive outcome from where you are at the moment.
i would ask how she's finding school because she may not be able to cope with things and feels overwhelmed, which maybe why she's reduced to tears. she is still very young to be able to control her emotions and actually acknowledge that she has feelings. and the frustration of not being able to express in words how she feels is maybe coming out as tears of helplessness and frustration. children this young usually feel they have no power or control over their lives. maybe you could explore these feelings with her.
please remind yourself that crying isn't an inappropriate behaviour anymore than laughing and smiling, it's just a way of expressing how one feels.
i hope you come to terms with what's going on with your daughter soon and you both end up smiling.

Re: Re: inapporiate behavior at school

It must be very worrying for you, I think if it were my daughter I would try to encourage her to talk about her feelings and open up in a more appropriate way. It might sound like a silly idea but try giving her a small 'stress ball' or something that she can squeeze or fiddle with when she feels these emotions creeping up on her. It might be just what she needs to remind her to stay calm.

I am assuming she does not have any other worries at school, ie bullying or lack of friendship groups, is she very shy? I hope you find a way, good luck

Re: Re: Re: inapporiate behavior at school

check out this book by john gottman- i have posted on it before-it outlines really helpful ways to deal with your childs emotions and help them to identify how they are feeling and what they can do to feel better-its called 'the heart of parenting-raising an emotionally intelligent child'it also has a lot of ideas as to how parents can learn to 'coach' their children through different emotions so that the child learns about their emotions and how to identify what they are feeling and why. i would really encourage you to check it out. good luck!