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Re: My 4 year old will only drink baby juice

Try kiddie tactics by putting other kinds of juice into the original baby juice bottle, keep it very weak at first and even the same flavour then gradually try to introduce new flavours and water. Perhaps buy her a new 'grown up' cup or mug of her choice and introduce her to straws. You don't say if you have any younger children or babies, because this may be a way of her trying to compete with her younger sibling by remaining a baby and may her way of attention seeking perhaps

Re: Re: My 4 year old will only drink baby juice

We've tried everything we can think of: a collection of 'big' girl cups/putting other types of juice in the baby cup/encouragement by private nursery staff and part-time state nursery staff, but all with no success.

The day she started school she came out and convincingly told me that she'd drunk the milk in the classroom, but that turned out to be a fib for my benefit.

When she stays for sandwiches I give her a different cup with her own juice in it, and even though she is so thirsty will not drink it. I think this is a deep-rooted problem, but I really don't know how I can solve it.

I do have another daughter, she was born the month before my elder daughter started part-time state nursery. The eldest actively encourages my 1 year old to drink from 'big' girls cups, but refuses to herself.

Thank you for your advice, it is very much appreciated.

Do you think I should seek help from a child psychologist?

Re: Re: Re: My 4 year old will only drink baby juice

i can see why you think it's a problem but is it really? it just sounds like it's a comfort thing. she sounds like she needs comforting and cuddles and things to stay the same for a while until she feels more confident in herself. i guess you can already see the effects of having a baby move in while she gets sent out and away from the family most days. she maybe wondering what she's done wrong.
i hope you'll give her a while longer with her comforting ritual, we all need something like this at sometime in our life young or old. i have my shawl, my son has me (so he just told me lol) but these things are less conspicuous than a cup of juice.

Re: Re: Re: Re: My 4 year old will only drink baby juice

I entirely agree that it's a comfort thing for her, and I wouldn't mind at all if she kept it for use at home, but I'm more worried about the fact that she's not drinking in school all day. The school will only allow them to take water to drink during the day, so the only time she could have her cup/juice would be when she stays for sandwiches, but I don't want to let her take her baby cup for fear of the other children making fun of her.

Maybe you're right though and it is me that's making a big thing of it.

Thanks for the advice, it's much appreciated.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: My 4 year old will only drink baby juice

it's hard when it's happening to you, i know been there,
but don't let your fear stop you from doing what's best for your daughter. you never know, it may turn out to be the best decision you ever made letting her take her cup, she may look around her and decide she doesn't need it after all. i think i'd let her disover this for herself.
we tend to try and protect them so much especially at this very tender age.
my heart goes out to you.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: My 4 year old will only drink baby juice

I have to agree, I think you should let your daughter take her cup in to school, it is more important that she gets a drink at school and it is unlikely that children of 4/5 will poke fun at her, even if they do this may be just the thing to get her to stop using it and move on to more grown up cups. It doesn't however solve your problem with other drinks I guess you will just have to keep trying. This is her way of being in control. Good luck.