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Re: Re: Scary behaviour

Hi Olivia, Thanks for your input. I spoke with her teacher last year after the first time I experience her hurting herself. This became a gradual thing, first she would just be upset and cry or just be frustrated, then she would scream and cry, then spank herself and finally bite herself. Her teacher said she did not notice any kind of behaviour at school and that she was her best student. I'm figuring she doesn't behave like that in class, she's a bit shy (a tempertanturm at school would be too embarassing for her). I'm wondering if it's an attention thing at home. Since I work and have a three year old son that needs my attention as well. There are a lot of things I'm wondering-I'm wondering if I praised her too much, I'm wondering if this is just the start of psycological behaviour, I'll let you know what the doctor says on Thursday this week.

Re: Scary behaviour

My daughter was also very hard on herself at 6, she didnt harm herself but use to get very distressed if she couldnt get something.I spoke to the school and it turned out she was sitting on a table with an exceptionally bright child who was also very competitive and would try to finish first at everything.My daughter was also very bright but could not compete with the other girl and therefore felt constantly pressurised. Maybe this is something you could ask the school about? My daughter is fine now as she is no longer in the same class.Best of luck

Re: Re: Scary behaviour

Hi Julie. Thank you for responding. Last year Ericka was in Kindergarten so she really didn't sit beside one person all the time. She was friends with most of the class and played with everyone, not just one particular person. She did say this other little girl was her best friend, but she wasn't exceptionaly bright or anything, average I guess. I mentioned it to her teacher last year and the teacher said she didn't notice any kind of behaviour problem and that she was her best student. I'm worried and scared, My husband and I are have her appointment this Thursday. I'll let you know what happens.

Re: Re: Scary behaviour

i know how your feeling there
im 22 and i have a 5 year old daughter.
when she was about 18 months old i had to book her into the doctor for the same sort of thing.
she was bashing her head/face into the concrete floor or glass doors and it scared me to death. after all the worrying the doctor told me to ignore her and sure enough it stopped untill now..
now she is 5 and if things dont go her way or she gets angry she forces her fingernails into her forehead and hits herself in the face stuff like that ive tried explaining that its not good to do that because she will really hurt herself and shes told me it doesnt hurt her.
she says she does it "cos she wants to"
but i am currently having ALOT of problems with her and wondering if maybe its just my age.
if you do work something out i would really like to hear from you.
thanks and goodluck

Re: Scary behaviour

I think sometimes too much is expected of children at school. Maybe if you you went into school and had a word explained the situation. Get them to back off. I start from the begining, giving her easy work to raise her confidence. Softly Softly. It sounds like a lack of confidence is crushing her inside and she can't deal with it. I agree that seeing the doctor is a must. But maybe she putting too much pressure on herself. Maybe if you can avoid the situation the self harm will stop and then gradually at her own pace start with the odd spelling. I honestly think that she needs some time out from the pressure.