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4 yr old girl refuses to accept that she is not first at school

my niece refuses to accept that she is not first when she got 3 rd rank at school examinations.she has similar behaviour while dealing with her elder sister at home.

How shall we deal with it?

Re: 4 yr old girl refuses to accept that she is not first at school

i'm a bit confused.
in what way does she not accept being first in school?
how does she behave toward her sister?

Re: 4 yr old girl refuses to accept that she is not first at school

Excuse me, but your daughter is only 4 years old! What kind of school ranks kids at this age or makes them sit an 'examination'? I would have serious issues with your school if this is the case. I work as a nursery nurse in a primary shcool reception class where the children are valued and supported at every level. They are never made to take any formal 'tests' and are assessed during their play and through discussion. I think you need to talk to the school. Your daughter should never experience these kinds of feelings and obviously someone is putting her under far too much pressure. Leave the school!

Re: Re: 4 yr old girl refuses to accept that she is not first at school

She is my neice. Her mother discussed with me about the problem. I am sorry regarding age. She is 6 years and studies in first class. she studies in a small town in India.
large number of schools in india continue to mention ranks for children in their progress cards.
[Majority of schools in India have given up this practice now.Ranks have been replaced by grades.]
They do have formal written tests at the end of each term in all subjects.
At home she does not allow her elder sister to take bath before her in the morning.she has to be first in doing so.
Thanking you

Dr Babu

Re: Re: Re: 4 yr old girl refuses to accept that she is not first at school

i'd ask her why she feels she needs to be 1st at everything. i'd try to explain that she doesn't have to be 1st at everything and she's is still loved and the family are still proud of her no matter what. and that sometimes it's nice to make way for big sister to go in the bath 1st as it would make her feel good inside. is there some way people are treating her that makes her feel this way? maybe other influences are at work here and it's not just her.
hoping she gets through this soon for the family's sake as well as her own.