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single parenting

I have 2 boys 13 and 10 and 1 girl 7. Two probs really, 13 year old is overwhelmingly influenced by a boy who has no limits at his home and has no respect for adults in general and myself in particular. Been trying to steer him away for 2 years, teachers tell me he needs to get away. Tried everything what can |I do?
Secondly 10 year old son hates my partner of 1 year(we dont live together)and shows it by disapearing upstairs or ignoring him completely. He also refuses to hug or kiss me when he is here. Partner tries to be friendly but my son just blanks him. Their father only sees them about 2 or 3 times a year but phones weekly, another issue they have had to try to come to terms with(fathers choice not mine)

Re: single parenting

it's around 13 boys start looking for a role-model, maybe your son thinks he's found his.
have you asked him why he likes this boy?
have you told him how you feel and why?
that it's ok for his friend to act the way he does because that's how it is in his house but not your son and not in your house.
as a mum and childminder i've always tended to lean toward distraction instead of punishment.
what kind of distraction could be used here?
wonder if he's the kind of boy who would like group activities? sports? etc. keeping him busy outside school so he won't have time for the other boy.

hmmm... my sister going through same thing with her 15 and 22yr old, regarding boyfriend.
again have you told him how you feel and the effect he's having on you and your relationship with your boyfriend?.
have you asked him how he feels about your boyfriend?
can you not reach an agreement about what you both expect of each other when your boyfriend is at yours.

being a single mum who's son is only 6 i know nothing about teenagers but have only said how i would handle it if it happened to me. whether it will work or not when my time comes i don't know but i'd like to think so.

good luck to you all, hope your family comes together soon.

Re: Re: single parenting

Thanks 4 yr advice sounds good to me. I am very close to the children generally and we talk alot but sometimes there just isnt enough hours in the day or enough of me to go between all three of them and work too. Thanks again