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Re: questions on toilet training

Well if she's already doing it, going potty, it will be useless to put her on the potty after the fact. However, I would immediately tell her in a calm and patient tone, that peeing anywhere but the potty room is a no-no, and then I would immediately take her to the bathroom and walk her through the steps, of this is where we come when we have the urge to go potty, etc.., And perhaps tell her if she comes here to go potty on the tiolet then she will get a sticker or something, to reward her for going in the bathroom. Good Luck

Re: questions on toilet training

Hi, Deanne, when I potty trained my two daughters I followed them around with the potty from room to room and made sure I placed it in a position that I could get hold of it quickly, as soon as your child starts to pee on the floor quickly put the potty behind her and sit her down on it, then give her loads of praise for using it, even if most of it went on the floor. I'm sure she will quickly get the message. Usually within a week. Do not go back to using nappies during the day while you are training her or she will get mixed massages. I know it is difficult when you are out but I still took the potty everywhere. Good luck

Re: questions on toilet training

Hi. I think your 21mo old is acting like a normal 21mo old. She is having too much fun being naked and probably gets excited and forgets. I would have her help you clean up the pee on the floor and just ask her "where do you do pee?" and let her answer. That way you know you've reminded her, she gets and idea of the consequences and she thinks about her actions too. I wouldn't expect too much from her she's still little. Good luck!
ps, I've trained a boy and a girl.

Re: questions on toilet training

When I potty trained my daughter I took her to the store and let her pick out some pretty panties. When she went potty on the potty she got to wear them and if she had an accident I told her that we had to put on the ugly training pants. Although, since your daughter is naked that might not work for her. I do know someone that put the potty in front of the t.v. and would put her child on it ever so often. She sat there with her daughter and gave her M & M's until she went potty. You might try something like that. Good Luck to you