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Re: In need of parenting advice

I also have a 5 year daughter who behaves wonderful at school and outside school clubs, But at home she is a nightmare, constantly misbehaving and argueing with her younger sisters and sulking and moaning.I really could do with some advice.

Re: In need of parenting advice

Hi there.
Wow..a familiar situation.
My daughter is now 10 but was exactly the same. She's a perfect angel at school, quietly spoken, but at home she can be a monster. She has improved immensly in the past couple of years but at 7 it drove me to tears. I think that when they start school they realise that they're independent little beings. Their teacher knows more that you do. Such and suchs mother is nicer. Her friend gets to do stuff and she doesn't. There is no easy solution as every child is different and every family situation is different. Thankfully, my daughter is growing out of it and is becoming my little friend again. But I'll tell you a good trick that stopped her in her tracks:
When she was yelling or outdoing herself by pushing my buttons, I would give the sweetest smile and say "I love you." Thats it! She'd either look at me in confusion or storm to her room. Or sometimes I would ask her why she was so angry. I guess its just a matter of knowing where to draw the line...Easier said than done:)

Re: Re: In need of parenting advice

Thank you so much for your advice, I will try what you say and just ignore her bad behaviour.Iam happy that someone else knows what Iam going threw.

Re: Re: Re: In need of parenting advice

I don't think I quite 'ignored' it but just tried not to give the response she was after. She did try new tactics though. Quite ingenious really.

I also had the cry wolf syndrome, but it was from the attention angle, like if she 'hurt' herself. She was turning into a hypochondriac There's such a fine, fine line but I guess the main thing for all mums to remember is that they are doing their best, no matter what others say. (I have to keep reminding myself all the time) Ahhh kids...ya gotta love 'em.

Re: In need of parenting advice

It must be the age or when they go to school because, my daughter seems to lie and i never know when shes telling the truth, I told my daughter about the little boy who cried wolf, But she just shrugged her shoulders.