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Troublesome Sister

Hi there, I'm looking for some advice. I hope I've come to the right place.

I'm the eldest of 3 children. I have a 15 year old sister and a 5 year old sister. The 15 year old is quite the rebellious teenager. She refused to go to her old school most of last year, she's only just started a new school and already things are beginning to slide. She goes out late at night (school nights and weekends) and expects my parents to pick her up at all hours. She won't tidy her room, ruins her clothes and shouts and swears at my parents and in front of the little one. If her allowance is cut, she just steals from around the house, and quite possibly other people, so that she can fund her lifestyle.

My mother suffers from CFS. It essentially means that she gets tired very easily after not much exertion. My stepfather will probably need to go in for an operation soon. Neither of them are in a particularly fit state to enforce any punishment. My sister's ways are putting both an emotional and financial strain on the family and nobody is sure what to do.

I have been away for the past year and things have become considerably worse. I'm off to university next week. Does anybody know how to deal with a situation like this, or at least find a workable solution?

Re: Troublesome Sister

Wow. What a big emotional weight that's been placed on your shoulders.

I'm not really in any position to give advice, but just wanted to applaud your courage and the care that you are showing.

Don't give up and make sure you send her as much loving energy as you can, no matter how far away you are.