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bedtime with work

Hi, I was just curious if anyone thought we were nuts because we let our 3 1/2 year old stay up until 10:30. The thing is, I work part time at nights (so I can be with her in the daytime) and get home around 10:05 and she really wants to be able to say goodnight to me, so we make lights out at 10:30 after a bedtime story. She usually sleeps until anywhere from 8am-9:am. also she usually has about a 90 minute nap after lunch. We plan to homeschool so there isn't really any reason for her to get up at the crack of dawn, my nosy neighbor noticed she is up when I get home and just couldn't believe we let her stay up so late, so I just wanted to know what everyone else thinks. She seems to be perfectly fine to me.

Re: bedtime with work

She is your daughter and its your decision. My own children went to bed early from the start and I found it worked well for me, but really if you and your daughter are happy then its up to you. It seems to me that some people are far too noisy for their own good, tell your neighbour that you are very happy with the arrangements as they are, and politely tell her to mind her own business!!

Re: bedtime with work

I think what your doing is really good, But not very practical when they start school. So perhaps you need to re-think the bedtime routine. I am speaking from personal experience as my husband use to work all day and return home at 10pm aswell.

Re: Re: bedtime with work

as far as school, I plan to homeschool and we can set our own hours for that. Thanks for the added support!

Re: Re: Re: bedtime with work

Woohoo! good for you Wendy!!!
everyone is an individual, every household is different.
lives should be lived to suit the family and not the neighbours lol
keep up the good work and lots of luck with the home eding.
learning is life not school