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potty trouble please help!!!

this is my first time to post on a message board and i'm hoping that i can get some help. my 3 1/2 year old stepson is not potty trained yet. i have been working with him for about 9 months. he will go to the bathroom everytime i take him in there but he wont tell me when he has to go. i've tried to tell him to tell me when he has to go but he just wont. any suggestions on my problem. please help!

Re: potty trouble please help!!!

Try rewarding the child with a chart. Everytime HE comes to you and does go in the potty you'll give him a sticker he can put on a chart at his level. A simple colorful chart for each day of the week. Try to get him to understand the more stickers on the chart each day is something wonderful and amazing. This worked great for potty training both of my children.

Re: Re: potty trouble please help!!!

thank you for the post. i have tried the sticker board for whenever we started the potty training, every time he went to the potty he would get a sticker but i havent tried him telling me when he has to go with the sticker board. ill try that. thanks