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Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

Just like all of you, I totally agree. Who on earth does this woman think she is?? These boards are for gentle and friendly advice that makes people feel that the pressure has been eased a bit - not to make us feel as though we're being repremanded by a strict school mistress. Hopefully, she'll get the hint after all these complaints.

Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

I agree with the people who have responded already. The world has too many people who are unpleasant and aggressive in it. Manners cost nothing. This board is meant, from what I can see, for people to offer helpful advice - not to spout extremely unpleasant comments and bizarre ideas.


Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

It's all been said - if you can't put your point of view forward in a more pleasant manner, it would be wise to refrain from posting.


Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

Couldn't agree more. If you can't be helpful and constructive, as opposed to being judgemental and very rude and nasty, best not to bother to reply. I wouldn't find comments like yours helpful or enlightening in any way whatsoever!!


Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

As the only man to respond, I agree with all the ladies who have done so far.


Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

Have to agree with other responses to Diana's post. It's all been mentioned already - she's just not on the same planet as the rest of us!!


Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

Oohh - talk about anally retentive!! Beth, you seriously need to take a long hard look at yourself,read some sensible books about parenting, and chill out!! If you don't I can almost guarantee any children you have will have major, MAJOR problems!!


Re: FAO: Beth Christnacht

It must be great to be perfect like you and have all the answers, eh, Beth? Grow up !!
