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toilet traing problems

every hour I put my dd of 21 months on the potty and after 10 or 20 minutes of trying to get her to stay on the potty to go pee she gets up and pees on the floor. She has peed in the potty 3 times and had 3 mishappens. I"m begining to wonder if she is ready. What should I do if I put her on the potty and she keeps getting up even though I know she has to go do I keep putting her back on.

Re: toilet traing problems


Try to keep her occupied while she is on the potty. Reading a book on potty training together with her might help. She will soon get used to peeing into the potty.

You can find more details on potty training here:

Re: toilet traing problems

Hi Deanne. I don't think she is ready. I have potty trained a girl and a boy. She seems like she's missing the point, which makes me think it's too early. The signs are definatley there when they are ready. It will happen.
Signs to look for; she can tell you when she has pee'd or pooped, she's excited about going to the toilet b/c she wants to be a "big girl", frequently waking up dry, when she is not using as many diapers throught the day.