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Parent of ADHD child

I am a single parent of a ADHD child of 5 years of age. He has been kicked out of two schools, and a church childrens class. He was diagnosed as ADHD by numerous physchology professionals and is on medication. Unfortunately he is school age and is not at school because of this. I am at my wits end. HELP! Is there anything I can do as a parent?

Re: Parent of ADHD child

There have been really good reports for children with ADHD taking fish oil supplements. These can be obtained from most good health shops and there are numerous web sites which will give you further information on them.

My nephew has ADHD and for a few years was on Ritalin, which did help but my sister in law really did not like the prolonged use that her GP was suggesting, so she looked into the fish oils and changing his diet and this summer he came off the Ritalin completely and the change in his behaviour is amazing. He is now a happy and confident 14 year old who enjoys school, is making friends and being invited round to friends houses instead of just being around his family all the time (his behaviour before used to limit where he was invited out to).

I would speak to your doctor or paediatrician and check out what they say as well about it and find a school that has experience of dealing with ADHD and that is going to be sympathetic to both you and your son.

Having seen my sister in law deal with ADHD, I know that it can be a long hard slog and that sometimes you feel that you are fighting a losing battle, but with the right help for both of you, things can be really turned around. Please keep smiling and being positive and don't be afraid to ask for help from the education authority and places like that.

Good luck